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5 Most Beautiful Ancient Cities in Antalya

Meet with most beautiful ancient cities in Antalya. Antalya was founded by the order of Pergamum King Attalos, “Find me a paradise on earth.” It is also known that it took its name from its founder. It is a city located in the most fertile geography of Anatolia, where the ancient Pamphylia, Psidia and Lycia regions meet.

ancient cities that haAntalya ve hosted many civilizations from the sea to the mountains, the world-famous Lycian Way and the Karain Cave, the oldest settlement of humanity. 

Antalya province has the Antalya Museum, one of the most special museums in Turkey. You should definitely see the Antalya Museum, which has a special view on the edge of the cliffs.

With its climate suitable for all seasons, Antalya offers tourists sea and skiing opportunities in all seasons. It has many historical cities waiting to be discovered among its natural beauties.

The 5 Most Beautiful Ancient Cities in Antalya

Termessos Ancient City

Termessos Ancient City was built on a natural platform at the top of Güllük Mountain and has a more impressive history and area than other ancient cities.

The city, which is included in the National Park due to its natural and historical values, looks like a botanical garden due to its vegetation. If we go into the history of the city.


Alexander the Great besieged Termessos in 333 BC. The people of Termessos did not leave the city and made a strong defense. This incident became a famous story.

As you move towards the city through the forest road at the entrance of the national park, you will see historical ruins around you.

Along the slope, the Agora, Hereon Monument, Zeus Solymeus Temple, Small and Large Artemis Temples and Gymnasium Building will be waiting for you. The Hellenistic Age theater with a capacity of 4200 people is the most important ruin of the city. There will be a reward for taking photos and taking a quiet break.

Signs should be followed carefully to avoid getting lost among tall plants. As a result of its geographical location, you can relax and have a picnic in the park after this discovery-filled and somewhat tiring trip. There are no public buses from the city to this area; The only option is a private car or taxi.

There are so many beautiful things in Antalya Museum which is belong to Termessos “Dog Sarcophagus” works exhibited in the “Sarcophagus Hall”.

Olympos Ancient City

Olympos Ancient City was founded by Zeus at the foot of the mountains. The Olympos Stream merged with the salt water of the Mediterranean and swam in the immortality-giving sea of Aphrodite. Starting from Antalya, the road that brings together blue and green extends to Olympos, the city of free spirits. Olympos Ancient City area in Kumluca, Antalya.


The city is hidden behind security walls on the banks of the Olympos River. By following the signs left and right, you can reach thousands of years old ruins among the trees.

The ruins of the Small Bath, the Great Bath, the early Byzantine Period Basilica and the Roman Period Theater can be seen. There are twelve Byzantine Churches in this city, which helped spread Christianity. The city became a port of call for Venetian, Genoese and Rhodes knights, especially after the 14th century.


Olympos Beach is the only beach at the end of the city that can be reached by walking through the historical ruins. Olympos attracts attention with its world-famous tree houses.

After the historical tour, you can stay in the tree houses built on top of the pine trees, sleep in the hammocks of the orange trees and cool off in the cold Olympos Stream. Divasa Hotel is in a magnificent place where history and nature meet.

You can reach Olympos by turning left at the junction at the 85th kilometer of Antalya Kumluca Highway. You can also transfer to Olympos Junction with buses departing from Antalya bus station every 15 minutes.

Çıralı Yanartaş or Khimaira

Çıralı Yanartaş: Yanartaş is one of the important historical places near Çıralı village, right next to Olympos is in Kemer, Antalya. This area, famous for its fire coming out of the stones, is interesting for tourists. According to mythology, the natural gas source located on the rocks of Çıralı slope is connected to the following issue.


The brave man named Bellerophontes rode the Pegasus horse to attack the monster named Chimera and killed the monster with arrows. It is believed that the natural gas that has been burning for a long time on Yanartaş Mountain, where the dragon died, is the dragon’s undying fire.

Along the road from Çıralı coast to Yanar Dere Valley, you can see burning fires and historical ruins in various places. Under the fire at the bottom there is a large church ruin from the early Byzantine period. There is a temple of Hephaestus, a god who processes metal and creates extraordinary things.

Çıralı, where sea turtles live, can be reached by going down 7 kilometers from Çıralı Junction at the 70th kilometer of the Antalya-Kumluca Highway or by buses departing every 15 minutes from Antalya bus station.

Arykanda Ancient City

Arykanda Ancient City is located on the western slope of Aykırıçay, at the 35th kilometer of the Finike-Elmalı Highway. It is thought to be an ancient settlement. The ancient city, which means “the place next to the high cliff” in Lycian language, is said to have existed 2 thousand years ago.

Arycanda is a city of terraces. On the top terrace of the city, there is the Odeon, small bath, cistern, inscribed house, fountain and the smallest but best preserved theater of the region, agora and parliament building.


The city’s burial ground, namely the eastern necropolis, has many surviving mausoleums. The four-level canal carved into the steep rock surfaces where Aykırıçay emerges forms the outline of the system that brings water to the city.

After the Ancient Cities in Antalya tour, you can eat boiled or roasted corn at Aykırıçay market and shop at the village market. Seeing the wild deer coming to Aykırıçay to drink water in the evening will be the best moment of your trip.

Xanthos Ancient City

Xanthos Ancient City: Located in Kınık village, 43 km after Kaş, on the Antalya Muğla Highway, the ancient city of Xanthos dates back to B.C. It was the capital of Lycia in the 8th century.

Rock tombs, sarcophagus tombs and erected tomb monuments specific to the Lycian culture show that the city has witnessed many historical events and wars.

A theater that has been repaired many times and a church built in the early Christian Period are among the most important works that can be seen.

Xanthos-Ancient Cities-in-Antalya

The most interesting story known about the city, which has been the scene of many wars and heroism, is that the freedom-loving people of Xanthos chose to kill their families with their own hands rather than be captured, and then set the whole city on fire and burn to death.

After watching the painful and heroic stories of the Xanthos people, you can go to Patara or Kaş. Your trip will be full of adventures, such as diving in Kaş, Turkey’s best diving center, or visiting the Cyprus Canyon.

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