Discover Antalya
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Discover 99 Powerful Reasons to Visit Antalya Turkey

You have to see Antalya Turkey, which is the most beautiful city in the world. Antalya province is known as the 5th most populous city in Turkey in terms of population. According to the latest data of 2022, Antalya Turkey had a population approaching 3,000,000.

While it is one of the first cities that come to mind when it comes to tourism in Turkey, it is the city that has a meaning directly equivalent to the country’s smokeless industry term. The population rate increases the most in the summer months. Although it is larger than many cities in terms of area, the city’s surface area is 20,177 square kilometers.


Antalya Turkey, Hidden Delights Awaiting Your Discovery!


The number of people per square kilometer in the province is 150. The most populous district is Kepez, which has a population of almost 600,000 as of 2021. The place with the highest population density compared to other districts is Muratpaşa district with 5429 people per square kilometer. There are a total of 914 neighborhoods in Antalya province, which has 19 districts and municipalities.

It is located in the westernmost area of the Mediterranean region, covering the Gulf of Antalya and the Western Taurus Mountains. It is also known as the 5th largest province in Turkey by surface area. Antalya, which is on the border with the Aegean Sea and on the Mediterranean coast, has Muğla in the west, Burdur, Isparta and Konya in the north, and Karaman and Mersin in the east.

While the population rate of Antalya Turkey was at a certain level until the 1990s, its population increased rapidly with the arrival of tourism and intense immigration and became the 5th most populous city in Turkey. Although the economy in Antalya is generally vibrant due to the influence of Antalya Tourism, the industrial, agricultural and commercial power of the city is also increasing. It is known that health tourism has experienced a rapid rise, especially in recent years, and thousands of people visit the city from abroad for the health sector.

Antalya, one of the richest cities in our country in terms of art history, is the province with the most ancient cities in Turkey. Antalya province has hosted many civilizations from past to present within the area it covers.

Among these civilizations, Lycians in 480 BC, BC. 687 Lydians, A.D. 43 Pamphilians, B.C. 241 Pergamum people, B.C. 77 It came under the rule of the Romans, the Byzantines until 1103, the Seljuk Dynasty in 1207, the Ottomans and finally the Republic of Turkey, but no civilization that ruled over it chose Antalya as its capital.

It lies entirely within the Mediterranean Region. Antalya has a Mediterranean climate. It is a natural wonder city with its plateaus, mountainous lands and forests.

Additionally, Antalya hosted the G20 summit in 2015 and EXPO 2016.


Antalya Journey from Prehistoric Period to the Present

B.C. Attalos II, who was the King of Pergamon in 159-138, discovered the city of Antalya during the Hellenistic Period and was impressed by those who told him that it was the most beautiful city in the world. He said, “Go and find me heaven on earth,” and ordered his army commanders to re-establish Antalya as a strategic area and region in the Mediterranean region.

Based on this, the city took the name Ataleia during the Attalos period. According to the sources of Arab travelers, it was recorded as Anteliya, and according to Turkish sources who visited the region, it was recorded as Adalya. It is also called Antalya together with the Republic of Turkey.


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Into the History of Antalya, the Jewel of the Mediterranean

Antalya is in a region that has hosted civilizations since the beginning of historical times. Karain Cave in Antalya, this historical area located 27 km away from the city center, is one of the largest natural caves in Turkey and is also known as one of the oldest settlements in Anatolia. It dates back to approximately 500,000 years ago, within a period covering the Old Stone Age period.

The earliest fossil remains found in Turkey were also found here, dating back to approximately 2 million years ago and 140 thousand years ago. Karain Cave The Old Stone Age started approximately 2 million years ago, and the Polished Stone Age began around 2000BC.

It covers the periods 8000-5500. Additionally, Beldibi Cave, also located in Antalya, dates back to B.C. 22,000-10,000 BC It corresponds to the transition period between the Paleolithic and Neolithic.

In Antalya Bademağacı Mound, BC. Neolithic Stone Age settlements dating back to 8000-5500 BC have been found, and mass human settlements have also been found.

In the Karataş and Semahöyük excavations, Early Bronze Age BC. It occurred between the years 3000 and 2000, and from that period until now, the living spaces of civilizations have always existed in the Antalya region. Excavations have gradually brought to light the dark side of the period before 1946.

Thanks to the documents unearthed, it has been confirmed that the places named Ahhiyava and Arzava are the country of Pamphylia, as seen in the Hittite cuneiform writings.


Antalya Prehistoric City in the Hittite Period

The Hittite State brought writing to this region during its existence in Anatolia the turkish name as Anadolu in Antalya Türkiye. The Hittite State was established in Central Anatolia and began to spread over time. The Antalya region was arrived after the decision to conquer the western regions was taken.

The period before this period is a dark period for Antalya Türkiye. Hittite King III. In the annual registration documents of Hattusili, names such as Perge, Kesros and Patara used for Antalya and the settlements in the region are used by the Hittites in B.C. It is known that he reigned between 1267-1237. This information has been confirmed thanks to the inscription “Patafa” on a document obtained as a result of the excavations carried out in Konya.

It is certain that the Hittites went down to the Mediterranean coast and brought the country of Lukka under their domination. The migration of the sea tribes, mentioned in Greek mythology and causing the collapse of the Hittite empire, occurred when the Achaeans migrated to the region in groups.

Pamphilians B.C. It is known from historical Greek sources that before settling in the region in the 7th century, the Dorians and Rhodesians settled in Kumluca and Çıralı, formerly known as Phaselist. Rhodiopolis near Kumluca is shown as evidence of the existence of this city.


Lycian and Pamphilian Period and Ancient Civilizations in Antalya

Antalya province includes parts of Lycia and Pamphylia as a region. Although the origins of the Lycians, who lived in the western region of Antalya province and stayed for a long time and left historical ruins, are not clearly known, according to the sources that have survived from Hittite and Ancient Egypt, a Pamphylia named Lukka means the place where all races live or the place where many races live together. . For this reason, the city of Antalya, where the Pamphilians live, is also known as the place where people from all nations live.

Definitions such as the country of mixed people living in ancient findings explain exactly what the people living in Pamphylia include. Additionally, the Pamphilians may be included in the oldest Hellenic community that lived in Anatolia.

It has become a country of completely different communities with its languages similar to the Mucenean and Dorian language structures, its mixed population structure, and the cultures it received from the Anatolian region. There are not many records for Pamphylia in general.

Until the Roman period, in many regions around the world, records of the early periods after the Dark Ages were almost non-existent, causing information about the region to be limited.

Still, Antalya is among the cities with the most historical documents compared to other Anatolian cities. The fact that it is one of the favorite cities in Anatolia for history, archeology and language studies adds to the reputation of the city with its endless new findings.

Antalya During the Byzantine, Pergamum and Roman Periods

The Roman Empire continued its existence effectively in Antalya. Before his visit to Antalya, Emperor Hadrian sent a message to the regional governor and stated that he wanted to see Antalya as the most beautiful city in the world. Thereupon, the structure that went down in history as Hadrian’s Door, popularly known as the Three Doors, was built. When Christianity began to spread rapidly in general, the Antalya region remained as an Eastern Roman province and maintained its importance.

The city, which was rebuilt with a major construction effort between the 5th and 7th centuries AD, suffered great damage due to Arab plunder and raids. To prevent this situation, the Roman Empire started to defend the region with a strong navy. Although it has been inhabited many times by different communities due to their unwillingness to lose sovereignty in the region and its strategic importance, there has been a lot of plunder and looting. As it is known, this region has been on the pirates’ route for a long time.

The Roman Empire had Hadrian’s gate built, the walls repaired, and towers built. It has been damaged for many years due to the attacks of Genoese, Rhodes and Venetian pirates, famous for their ships, earthquakes, and attacks from Cyprus. They established bases in the Mediterranean and made Antalya a place open to constant invasions in order to gain dominance and power here.


The City of Antalya in the Seljuk Period

With the Seljuks, the Turks gradually began to settle and conquer the surroundings of Antalya, which was an important city in terms of defense and maritime trade. They captured the Byzantine City after the 1st Crusade. While passing through the region, they saw the city and recorded that the region was almost captured by the Turks during the 2nd Crusade.

Crusade writers also added that due to Turkish domination in this region, the people could not do agriculture and met their needs by sea. With the Seljuk State turning towards the west, the Turks began to conquer Anatolia with the Battle of Myryokefalon in 1176 and came in droves and acquired new homelands.

When Istanbul was occupied by the Latins after the 4th Crusade, it could not establish a direct healthy connection with Byzantine Anatolia and began to lose its influence.

Kılıç Arslan sent his children all over Anatolia to take the city of Antalya and tried to take Antalya with his army. Although this step failed, it showed its dominance in the region and showed that Antalya would eventually join the Seljuk Empire.

Recently, the Seljuks decided to conquer Antalya because Arab merchants were usurped and persecuted while passing through Antalya. On March 5, 1207, Antalya came under the protection of the Seljuks. For the first time, the Seljuks built a shipyard for a strong navy here, made regulations and quickly pacified the city so that it became a route for trade.

After the death of Giyaseddin Keyhüsrev, who handed over the city to Commander Ertokuş, the city weakened and was lost due to the military vacuum created in the city for the conquest of Sinop.

Later, Izzeddin Keykavus organized an expedition again and conquered it on January 22, 1216. He put the city in order by making new arrangements. One of the biggest reasons why there is difficulty in domination in the Antalya region is that they are not very related to the sea.

Antalya Geographical Features and Antalya Weather

Antalya, located in the southwest of Turkey, is located between 29° 20′-32°35′ eastern longitudes and 36° 07′-37° 29′ northern latitudes.

In the south of Antalya province, the Mediterranean city is surrounded by the Taurus Mountains, while in the east and north there are Mersin, Konya, Karaman, Isparta and Burdur, and in the west it is surrounded by Muğla. The surface area of Antalya province is 20,177 square kilometers. It is located in the western part of the Mediterranean Region. The general terrain of Antalya province is mountainous.

The peaks of the Taurus Mountains reach up to and exceed approximately 3000 meters. There are plateaus in the Teke region in the west. In Antalya province, stones and rocks are better known as lime.

These easily meltable stones have been effective in many ways over time, such as the formation of caves, the structure of mountains, waterfalls and water source areas.

The topographic characteristics of Antalya vary from region to region, both agriculturally and climatically. The height differences between the coast and the plateaus and the influence of the Taurus Mountains cause this.


Antalya and Antalya Climate Characteristics

Antalya province has a Mediterranean climate covering the coastal areas. While the summer months are always hot and humid, the winter months are warm and have abundant rainfall.

While this is the case in the coastal areas, the climate is higher and the parts intertwined with Anatolia have a harsher climate. There is a climatic difference in the form of cold and dry. In general, the average summer temperature is between 28-36 degrees.

In the hottest times, the temperature felt can reach 50 degrees. While the average temperature in January varies between 10 and 20 degrees, it is a very popular city with its rainless and sunny days. The general humidity average varies around 60 percent throughout the year.

Summer months are long and hot. In coastal areas, snow is not seen in winter or it melts before falling to the ground. While rain is almost never seen in summer, it is rare in winter.

In autumn, it occurs in the form of showers. Only about 50 days a year are overcast or rainy. While you can swim 9 months of the year, the average annual temperature is around 19 degrees. The rainiest daily average measured so far in Antalya is 232.8 kg/m2.


Antalya and Mediterranean Region Earthquakes

When the earthquake risk map in the Antalya region is examined, it is marked as a second-degree earthquake area. There is no earthquake in the center of Antalya, but it is known that small earthquakes occur in the surrounding provinces and the seaside. The largest recorded Antalya earthquake occurred on December 28, 2013, with a magnitude of 6.0.


Antalya Earth Science and Structure

In Antalya, it is generally composed of old rocks and stones, that is, formed in early times. Marble and limestone are concentrated in Antalya. There are rocks that are different from each other, but they have been subjected to folds and fractures due to tectonic movements over time.

The appearance of karst rocks with limestone is generally cracked, void and gray-white in color. There is a karst travertine rock structure reaching approximately 100 meters in the lower parts of the sea, including the Antalya Turkey plain.



Antalya Vegetation Features

The most common plant known throughout Antalya and the Mediterranean region is known as olive. There is maquis vegetation between the coast and the altitude, which can adapt to the harshness of summer, up to an altitude of 550 meters.

While there are short and squat trees in the maquis vegetation, their average height varies between 3 and 5 meters. When you ascend from 600 meters to 1200 meters, the vegetation here will switch to oak and red pine.

At altitudes of 1200 meters and 2000 meters, vegetation consisting of cedar, Scots pine, beech and juniper trees dominates. Trees commonly found in Antalya include ash, aleppo pine, larch, cedar, fir, arbutus, sandalwood, juniper, beech, Scots pine, gum tree, myrtle, rosary tree and laurel.

In addition, thanks to its wide meadows and rivers in many places, there are ash trees, elm trees, arbutus, plane tree, wild pear, linden, wild and grafted olive, kermes oak, thuja oak, sandalwood, gum tree, myrtle, rosary tree, laurel, maple tree, chaste tree, oleander, carob, rocky, heather, spruce, holly, buckthorn, Plants and tree varieties such as goblet, thyme, poplar, euphorbia, prickly myrtle, thistle, honey father, flame doda, sage, saffron, canadian medicinal herb, toadstool, gossamer, asparagus, chrysanthemum can be used both naturally and It is also widely available in the Mediterranean Region for commercial purposes.

Animal Species Found in Antalya Province and Its Surroundings

Antalya forests, which have a wide range of wildlife species thanks to their abundant plant diversity, include deer, fox, marten, squirrel, fallow deer, wild goat, jackal, hyena, wolf, bear, partridge, quail, turtle dove, wild boar, wild goat, blackbird, oriole and It is home to many animals such as cranes.


What is the Population of Antalya and Antalya Population Change

Kaleiçi, where the city of Antalya was first founded, is an area with very narrow streets and sparse permanent settlements. Kaleiçi is more prominent for tourism activities.

Dozens of different studies in the field of tourism directly affect population growth in various ways. In addition, suitable agricultural lands, rising industrial opportunities, vitality in the construction sector, the rise of health tourism, ease of transportation systems and low traffic density encourage people to migrate to this city.

While the population of Antalya province was 206 thousand in 1927, today it is over 2 million. Antalya is one of the provinces with the highest reading and writing rates in the country. This rate, which is 85 percent for Türkiye, covers 97 percent for children over the age of 15 in Antalya.

Antalya Economy and Economic Income Sources

Although industry has made progress in Antalya’s economy in recent years, its main economic resources are tourism, agriculture and animal husbandry. It is also present in mining, although it is not widely spread.

In a different way, trade is on the rise in Antalya, as in every city, with the contribution of tourism. The spread of health tourism has gained a strong place around the world due to exchange rate differences and cheap health services.

Luxury stores opened over time, large hotel enterprises, transportation facilities and maritime trade also contribute significantly to the economy of Antalya province. In addition, changes in technology and differences in agriculture and trade affect the mobility in the market.

Antalya Expo Fair  and similar fair activities create different employment areas and open the doors of income in the country.

Antalya Agriculture and Production

Antalya is in an area where many products can be grown easily, thanks to its location and fertile land. The most produced agricultural products are oats, barley and wheat.

In addition, sesame production, cotton production, onion, peanut and chickpea production are also carried out. There is approximately 35 thousand hectares of greenhouse cultivation area and it is increasing every day. In these greenhouses, especially tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers (cucumbers), melons, watermelons and beans are grown.

In addition, in recent years, the Manavgat region has attracted attention in banana production. Antalya is the province with the most fruit production in our country, thanks to the compatibility of climate and soil.

Apart from tropical products such as orange, tangerine, banana, avocado and grapefruit, fruits such as lemon also come first. It has a capacity to meet foreign and domestic demands to a large extent.

In the market, the distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables to other provinces and their preparation abroad, the ease of transportation and the favorable seasons for agriculture enable the rapid growth of trade in this field.

Antalya province alone supplies almost 15 percent of the vegetables produced in the country. In fruit production, this rate is around 7 percent. When different plants are additionally counted, Antalya province meets 5 percent of Turkey’s general agricultural needs. While the number of people engaged in agriculture was high over the years, today this ratio has fallen below 50 percent.

Antalya Culture Art Development and Antalya Museums

Most of the museums in Antalya are located in Antalya center and within the borders of Alanya district. Antalya Museum is equipped with items covering many periods from the first age to the following.

Kaleiçi Museum, Alanya Kızılkule Ethnography Museum and Alanya Atatürk House Museum actively serve as ethnography museums. Other museums spread throughout the province are Side Museum, Citadel Museum, Antalya Toy Museum, Alanya City Museum.


Archaeological Sites in Antalya and its Region

Most of the works found in excavations throughout Antalya are in the Antalya Museum. You can use the tram to reach Antalya Museum and get off at the next stop after the Research Hospital. It is in an area with a cliff view of the Konyaalti coast.

One of the archaeological sites in Antalya is Karain Cave. It has been used as a residential area since the early period. It is in Yağca village and 27 km away from Antalya. It is listed with the area provisionally placed on the World Heritage list.

Aspendos, located in the Serik district on the Antalya Manavgat road, is one of the most important ancient city theaters that has survived intact. It is considered one of the best examples of Roman theatres. The famous Roman theater in Antalya is still actively used as a concert, theater and museum.

Three gates built by King Hadrian are located inside the Castle. It was built for King Hadrian during the Roman period and is still standing, preserving the elegance of the first day.

The City of Termessos, founded on the high slopes of Antalya, also has a historical heroic story, such as Alexander the Great’s siege of the city and his failure to take it. As of date, B.C. It corresponds to the year 333.

Greek roots date back to B.C. Starting from the 12th century, they migrated to today’s Antalya, Pamphylia, and founded the Ancient City of Perge. The city ruins that have survived to the present day are openly exhibited to visitors.

Antalya Cuisine and Local Dishes

Antalya has been influenced by both the culture of the Mediterranean countries and the nomadic culture, and has tastes that many Anatolian cuisines do not have. Additionally, the use of olive oil in many dishes is also effective in this regard.

  • Asparagus soup: Harvesting fresh asparagus and turning it into a delicious soup.

  • Çitlembik and ear dough soups: It is a type of soup that is included in the traditional soups in which Çitlembik and dough are combined.

  • Cagla tzatziki: It is known as a special appetizer made by finely chopping fresh cagla and mixing it with yoghurt.

  • Taurus salad: It is a type of salad enriched with regional and regional flavors.

  • Radica salad: Radica, one of the bitter herbs, is turned into a healthy and delicious salad.

  • Pastrami hibeş: A delicious appetizer with a different taste made with dried meat.

  • Dried eggplant flatbread: It is prepared with dried eggplants and turned into a special appetizer that beautifies the tables.

  • Roasted eggplant with tahini: It is one of the unique flavors made by roasting eggplant and combining it with tahini in different provinces of the Mediterranean Region.

  • Zucchini çintmesi: A delicious preparation of pumpkins.

  • Stuffed pumpkin: The delicious taste of pumpkin is created by adding different filling ingredients.

  • Roasted mallow: It is made by roasting the mallow plant in a different way.

  • Stuffed peppers with cottage cheese: A dish prepared by stuffing peppers with cottage cheese and cooked in a special way.

  • Stuffed peppers with walnuts: It is a stuffing prepared by stuffing peppers with walnuts, a few different nuts and spices.

  • Stuffed peppers with curd cheese: A type of stuffing made by mixing bell peppers with curd cheese.

  • Eggplant civesi: It is a type of dish prepared by cooking eggplants in olive oil.

  • Tomato civesi: It is a dish in which tomatoes are cooked and served in olive oil.

  • Şakshuka: A dish prepared by frying various vegetables and generally enjoyed by many nations.

  • Tomato tas kebab: A famous meat dish cooked with tomatoes.

  • Fish pilaki: A dish made by mixing fish with olive oil, lemon and spices.

  • Testi kebab: A delicious kebab prepared by cooking the meat in a special way and presenting it in this way.

  • Antalya piyaz with tahini: It is a type of piyaz specific to Antalya that has been making a name for itself for years, enriched with tahini.

  • Beydağ kebab with yoghurt sauce: As the name suggests, Beydağ style kebab accompanied with yoghurt sauce.

  • Lamb meat keskek: It is a dish prepared with a traditional kashkek cooked with lamb meat in a special way.

  • Fish with dill: A fish dish with a special flavor added by dill.

  • Dishes prepared with local fish: A variety of different dishes made with local fish.

  • Şevketi bostan: A rich dish made by mixing meat and vegetables.

In addition to these dishes, spices can also be added to desserts. Pumpkin dessert, kadayıf dessert, famous jam made with watermelon peel, bergamot jam and similar types of jam are known thanks to the fruits and plants with different tastes in the Antalya region.

Thanks to certain plants that are frequently collected in the shadow mountains, there are special dishes made with tarhana, soups with thyme, göçeli, yapız and ox halva, pastries, trenches, and dishes such as labada vaccine and alafaşı, which are unique to the region.

Antalya Festival and Antalya Festivals

Antalya city hosts different festivals in many periods. Some of the festivals held in the high plateaus include the Feslikan Plateau Festival, Söbüce Plateau Festivals, Alanya and Alevi Bektashi Turkmen culture festivals, as well as international festivals such as Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival and International Sand Sculpture.

Antalya Film Festival

As it is known, the Antalya Film Festival award is the Venus Statue. This statue is erected in many parts of Antalya city during the award period. To further revitalize the cinema industry. To make the artist feel valued and valuable.

Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, which was a step taken to pave the way for the creation of higher quality works, was brought to the people of Antalya thanks to the initiatives of Mayor Avni Tolunay in 1964. Its current name is the International Antalya Film Festival.

International Antalya Sand Festival

In addition, the International Antalya Turkey Sand Sculpture Festival, which was held for the first time in Antalya, was held in 2006. It is one of the largest sand festivals in world history.

The Most Famous Ponds of Antalya

Doyran Pond

 Located in Konyaaltı district, Doyran Pond is a popular place for picnics and nature walks. Numerous pine trees fascinate people with their magnificent views of the Taurus Mountains from the pond.

Eksili Pond 

Located in Kepez district, Eksili Pond is an ideal place for fishing and bird watching. Many different bird species live in the pond and it is one of the most important wetlands of Antalya.

Geyikbayırı Lake

Located in Manavgat district, Geyikbayırı Lake is an ideal place for camping and canoeing. The pond is surrounded by a lush green forest and has a serene and serene vibe.

Avlan Lake

Avlan Lake, located in Elmalı district, hosts flamingo colonies. The pond, one of Turkey’s most important wetlands, is a very popular place for bird watchers.

Kırkgöz Lake

Located in Döşemealtı district, is an ideal place for water sports. The pond is a perfect place for water skiing and wakeboarding.

Oymapınar Lake

Oymapınar Lake, located in Manavgat district and one of the largest dam lakes in Turkey. Many people go to the pond for picnics, fishing and boat tours.

Antalya Turkey, the Capital of Tourism

Antalya is also a very popular city with its beaches and bays. Antalya Tourists happily advertise the bays they specially choose to the whole world. Antalya Alacasu Cennet Bay is one of these bays. It is also a famous and well-known place for its Alacasu Paradise Bay beach.

During the summer months, Antalya experiences a large increase in population. In Turkey, Istanbul and Antalya are the leading cities in terms of tourism and have the maximum density in the summer months. While Istanbul hosts tourists every season, Antalya is generally busier in the summer months.

Especially the abundance of options for athletes, the rise in the field of health, the attraction of festivals in the plateaus, the selection of congresses at the best point as a common meeting area, the camps being more suitable in terms of number and environment, and the intense demand for religious tourism, make Antalya Turkey town center and Istanbul the main cities for tourists.  Makes it among the tourism options.



Is Antalya a nice part of Turkey?

Antalya, located in the south of Turkey, is a very pleasant city that attracts people with its beautiful beaches and weather.

Is it safe to walk around Antalya at night?

One of the reasons why Antalya is highly preferred in tourism is that it is safe at all times.

Is Antalya a good holiday?

Vehicles constantly go to Antalya districts from the bus terminal. In addition, taxis, trams and buses provide quick and easy access to everywhere in the city.

Is Antalya better or Dalaman?

Antalya and Dalaman have different coastlines and natural beauties. Still, Antalya is the most beautiful city in the world.

Where is the most lively place in Antalya?

If you come to Antalya for a visit, the area around Konyaaltı will be the best choice for you.

Is Antalya expensive for holiday?

A holiday or trip in Antalya is quite affordable in terms of price.

Why is Antalya so cheap?

The difference in the dollar exchange rate and the fact that Antalya is the production center of the country’s fruits and vegetables, including all kinds of food, are factors that make this city cheap.

What is the best month to visit Antalya?

If you want to have a holiday in Antalya, the most suitable time periods are March, April, May, June, July, August and September.

Which part of Antalya is best to stay?

The best part of Antalya to stay is Konyaaltı if you want to be closer to beach.

Is 7000 lira enough for a week?

9000 Lira is enough for a week in Antalya for one person to travel and do all the activities.

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