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Olympos Tree Houses Antalya Best Expression


Olympos Tree Houses Antalya: Located on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, 80 km (50 mi) southwest of Antalya, Olympos is a small village 7 km (4 mi) away from the highway, nestled among pine trees, citrus groves and agricultural fields.

Olympos Tree Houses Antalya

Olympos is known for its cute little beach, pine forest, Antalya Olympos Tree Houses, hotels and Yanartaş, a natural fire that has been burning for centuries.

Located on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, 80 km (50 mi) southwest of Antalya, Olympos is a small village 7 km (4 mi) off the highway, nestled among pine trees, citrus groves and agricultural fields.


Olympos beach was discovered by backpackers on a budget and became popular early on for its unique tree house camps and cheap hostels, the most famous of the Olympos hotels being the renovated (due to an unfortunate fire accident) Kadir’s Tree Houses and Bayram’s tree houses. and Olympia Tree houses are also worth a stay. There are also many hostels and cheap accommodation options in the area.

Antalya tree houses offer various levels of comfort and where else can you live in a tree with wireless internet connection?


Yanartaş (Yanartaş) is a natural, eternal flame located on the slope of a mountain approximately 7 km from Olympos Village. The flame was easily visible from great distances by sailors at sea in ancient times, but today it has broken down into a series of smaller flames, a less impressive but still fascinating natural phenomenon. If you still thinking about to travel Antalya do it now!

The easiest way to get to Çıralı Olympos is by car because it is 7 km (2.5 miles) south of the coastal road. If you are going by bus from the north (Antalya, Kemer, Phaselis) or west (Kaş, Kalkan, Demre, Fethiye). Don’t forget to ask the driver to drop you off on the way to Olympos.


Olympos tree house prices vary between 2000 TL and 4000 TL as of 2024, depending on the days you choose.

During the summer months, Bus and taxi are wait at this intersection and at the restaurant on the highway, carrying passengers to Olympos. They usually meet the departure and arrival times of the buses.

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